How to relax after a stressful workday: The 3 types of rest you need

By taking several deep breaths, during which you are slowly inhaling and exhaling, you relieve tension caused by this state. You don’t need to have a mental health condition to try therapy. Feeling overwhelmed at work is a perfectly valid reason how to destress after work to reach out for additional help and support. Purposefully slowing down and being conscious of your surroundings can keep you relaxed throughout the week. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness all work to calm your anxiety.

how to destress after a hard day of work

If those heart-pumping, shallow-breathing, muscle-tightening moments of stress couldn’t follow you home? According to the American Institute of Stress, job pressure and money are the top causes of stress in America, with 61 percent of people reporting that work is their main source of stress. Setting aside time for self-care is a must if you regularly find yourself feeling overwhelmed by work. This means prioritizing sleep, setting aside time for fun, and making sure you’re eating throughout the day.

That Employee Sleeping on the Job Might Need Help

This can decrease your stress levels, prevent burnout, and increase your overall happiness. Often, at the end of the day when you feel spent and realize how little time you have to spend on yourself, you feel more stressed and complain. If the thought is about a pending task remind yourself of the schedule you have to take care of it. Whether a photograph or a snow globe, it will help you relive those fond vacation memories. Showing unique items is also a great icebreaker when meeting someone new in the office.

  • Doing this regularly will also put you in the habit of not letting your creative pursuits fall by the wayside, thereby nurturing your heart and soul with much needed primary food.
  • If you don’t have time to clean thoroughly, take this opportunity to organize items or tackle one cleaning task at a time.
  • When you return to work, your body and mind need time to readjust to a new schedule.
  • Treat this method of writing it out as a way of taking notes without derailing your whole workday.
  • Sign up now to receive your free ebook and more practical self-care tips, advice and products, in your inbox.

More than just shutting out the world, your body, mind, and soul benefit when you incorporate relaxation and rest into each and every day. One of the best techniques comes from breathwork guru Wim Hof. It only takes a few minutes but completely resets your system, rids you of all stress, and makes you feel like a newborn baby. It’s also dead simple, which is why it’s my go-to tool after a rough day. Start by taking a few minutes each day to focus on being present and enjoying a simple activity — whether that’s a short walk around the park or appreciating a meal at your desk. Keep in mind that you’ll likely be able to tackle work issues more effectively when your core needs are being met.

Cultivate Mindfulness

The truth is you may have made a mistake, but there isn’t much you can do about it now that you are away from your job. It’s time to live in the present moment and enjoy the rest of your personal time. Social support is an extremely effective way to relieve stress. Ask a friend or co-worker to be a sounding board as you talk out your issues.

  • However, changing freckles or moles are something you want to take the time to check out, right?
  • If those heart-pumping, shallow-breathing, muscle-tightening moments of stress couldn’t follow you home?
  • One way to maximize your commute time is to listen to audiobooks, either fiction (for fun) or nonfiction in an area where you’d like to grow.
  • If you struggle with knowing how to relax after work, you’re not alone.
  • Working strategically will make you more productive and less likely to burn out.

Committing to your own relaxation is easier when you have something to do. Instead of just creating an arbitrary border between work and non-work time, give yourself something fun to look forward to. Maybe it’s a walk with a friend or an online fitness class or playing games online. Finally, the missing element in most people’s wind-down routine is the mental shift from work to non-work mode. While closing loops helps remove those nagging tasks and responsibilities from your mind, work has become so all-consuming that the threat of it in our off hours keeps us on high alert.

How To Unwind After Work—Effective And Proven Strategies To Relax

However, changing freckles or moles are something you want to take the time to check out, right? Sometimes the case with stressful situations is that you’re trying to find a problem or a connection when there isn’t one. An outsider’s perspective may help you see that more clearly. Besides removing clutter and giving you relief from a crowded space, cleaning is an effective mindfulness practice. One study found that students who washed dishes had greater states of mindfulness and positive moods.

how to destress after a hard day of work

In this article, you discovered creative, athletic, and fun ways to shed daily stress and improve your health and well-being. While alcohol and some medication can offer temporary relief from stress and anxiety, there are risks of both physical side-effects and emotional dependencies. Walk – Either by treadmill or trail, walking like working out is an excellent way for you to reduce your stress, or simply let it go.

How to Unwind After Work

It feels like you’re wringing out all the worries of the day and leaving them behind. By engaging in online therapy through Talkspace, you can learn valuable skills and ways to de-stress from work so you can take charge of your mental well-being. Don’t let post-work stress control your life — seek professional support from Talkspace today. Adequate rest is crucial for maintaining mental health and recovering from work stress.

how to destress after a hard day of work

But once you understand the exercise, you can selectively target muscles that are tense and need to be relaxed. Sitting for over eight hours (with little to no physical activity) poses the same health risks as obesity and smoking. While extended screentime can lead to what’s known as computer vision syndrome with symptoms ranging from blurred vision and neck and shoulder soreness to constant headaches. Whether you work from a desk, couch, of the kitchen table, spending all day sitting hunched over a keyboard and staring at a screen is incredibly hard on your body and mind.